Friday, April 16, 2010

Mobil Madonna Maybach & Mini Cooper

Top artist is not free from extravagance, as well as mobilnya.Madonna, which was estimated to have a fortune of about 235 million pound sterling was, always maintaining his fitness. He regularly went to the gym, at the elite St. location. John's Wood, which is conducted twice a week. Madonna always go there, by driving a sedan limousine, which was always waiting for him outside, but in fact, it was a prohibited parking area. And no wonder, if the car has a ticket as much as 50 times, with the value of fines ranging from £ 50 - £ 2.500.

Collects his favorite car, apparently fell from his father, who infatuated with the automobile. His father is a mechanical engineer a successful car. This of course affects the taste of Madonna in choosing cars. During his stay in London, Madonna has been collecting some models of luxury vehicles, including the BMW 7 series, Audi A8 and the Maybach super limousine, which she bought for 270 thousand pound sterling.

What not many people know is Madonna a fan of Mini Cooper cars, namely the Mini Cooper S. Mini Cooper S is equipped with a navigation system, which serves to guide the driver around the city. I was so impressed with the performance of the Mini Cooper S, Madonna, in his song titled "American Life", could sing "I drive a Mini Cooper My Super Dooper and I feel." Italian car manufacturer is not only favored by Madonna, but also favored by other leading artists such as Sting, Goldie Hawn, and Elijah Wood.

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